About Us and AdoptionWhether you are pregnant and considering placing a child for adoption or want to bring a child into your home through foster care or adoption, you have come to the right place. All of our families receiving children through our programs are answering a call to glorify God by opening their hearts and homes to his children and to love them unconditionally. Creating Christian Families has two primary missions that grew out of the needs we saw while working in domestic adoption. The first reason is there were far more families looking to adopt than possible adoption situations and we wanted to help families expand their outreach. The second reason is we wanted to help everyone become a family, regardless of their financial means. We are empathetic to the fact that many of your have been trying to become parents for a long time and have already suffered many losses. It is our hope that we can ease that grief just a little bit and provide you with glimpses of hope. Our sister agency, Mother Goose Adoptions, works primarily in domestic adoption and does a wonderful job. Unfortunately, there are always more families seeking adoption than there are children. We often encourage families to seek other agencies and attorneys to network with, but their response often is, “I don’t know where to start or who to trust.” Thus, our primary goal is to do this work for our families. We have more than a dozen agencies and attorneys eager to work with our families. Our intention is to build our network to several dozen agencies and attorneys over the next 12-24 months. We only refer you to agencies and attorneys whom we have a long-term relationship and trust, AND those that have a low up-front cost for registration. No one should be paying thousands of dollars just for the privilege of being on someone’s wait list. Several of these partners only use families from Creating Christian Families. Why would they do that instead of recruiting for their own families? Simply because our families come to them well-educated, with reasonable expectations, attractive profiles and are already screened for readiness (home study, clearances, finances, etc). This saves the agency a lot of time, energy and expense. It is win-win for everyone. We are in constant contact with our partner agencies and attorneys, and they let us know which cases they need families for. We then pass this information along to our clients who can decide if that is an adoption or surrogacy case they want to be considered for. If they decide they wish to be considered for a specific case, we help make that happen. The second part of our mission is we wanted to help everyone become a family, regardless of their budget. Many times wonderful people are not afforded the opportunity to parent because they cannot afford the fees to adopt domestically or internationally. Thus, we are building upon our contacts and relationships in the foster-adopt community to help those that need low to no cost adoptions. If you have ever tried to adopt a “waiting list child”, you know that it is virtually impossible to even get the case worker to take your phone call. We will leverage our relationships with these state case workers to advocate on behalf of your family. Because these case workers are familiar with the quality and preparation of the families we work with, they are far more likely to consider one of our families. It’s just like looking for a job; all in “who you know.” In this case, that would be Creating Christian Families. One of our long-term goals is to expand our reach by winning an Arizona state contract to provide homes for children taken into foster care. That will expand our families’ options even further through foster-adopt-type arrangements. Lastly, we also wanted to assist families at the other end of the financial spectrum. For those of whom finances are not an issue, we are working to build families though gestational surrogacy arrangements. Each option for building your family has advantages and limitations, and it is our job to walk you through those options so you can decide which is the best fit for your family. While we can’t guarantee a certain outcome, we can guarantee to help make an incredibly scary process less frightening. You will have your own personal advocate looking out for your best interests. We also promise to serve
Deb O’Kane Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. – James 1:27
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